Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Otto Cycle Work Details about Diesel Marine Aeronautical Engine

p_V Diagram for the Ideal Diesel Cycle .

Rudolf Diesel was born in Paris in 1858 into a family of German expatriates. He was educated at Munich Polytechnin.Diesel designed many heat engines, including a solar_powered air engine and in 1892 he received patents in Germany, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and field in the United States fo Method of and Apparatus for Converting heat into work.

The Diesel internal combussion engine differs from the gasoline powered Otto cycle by using highly compressed hot air to ignite the fuel rather than using a spark plug(compression ignition tather than spark ignition).The air is then compressed with a compression ratio typically between 15:1 and 22:1 resulting in 40- bar (4.0MPa, 580 psi) pressure compared to 8 to 14 bars (0.80 to 1.4 MPa) (about 200 psi)in the petrol engine . This high compression heats the air to 550 deg.C .The top of the compression stroke, fuel is injected directly into the compressed air in the combustion chamber.

This may be into a(typically toroidal) void in the top to the piston or a pre-chamber depending upon the design of the engine. The fuel injector ensures that thefuel is broken down into small droplets, and that fuel is distributed evenly. The heat on the compressed air vaporized fuel from the surface of the droplets.The vapour is then ignited by the heat from the compressed air in the combustion chamber, the droplets contunue to vapories from their surface and burn, getting smaller, untill all the fuel in the droplets has been burn. The start of vaporisation causes a delay period during and the characteristie diesel knocking sound as the vapour reached ignition tempetature and causes an abrupt increase in pressure above the piston . The rapid expansion of combustion gases then driversthe piston download,Supplying power to the crankshaft.Engine for scale-model aeroplanes use a variant of the Diesel principle but premix fuel and air via a carbuation system external to the combustion chambers.

Aerospace Engineering is the primary branch of engineering concerned with the design, construction and science of aircraft and spacecraft. Tne former deals with craft that stay within Earth atmosphere and the latter with craft thar operate outside it. Aerospace engineering in divided into two major and overlapping brancehes: aeronautical engneering and information........

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